Renovación de la existencia del relator/a especial para los defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos, de la O.N.U.

Adjuntamos copia de la Carta Abierta que acabamos de firmar. Es una carta pidiendo a la Asamblea de la ONU que renueve la existencia del Relator/a Especial (ahora mismo es una mujer) por los Defensores y Defensoras de Derechos Humanos puesto que su mandato lo limitaron a 3 años y ahora han de decidir si se prorroga 3 años más o no. Es una instancia relativamente nueva.

La hemos recibido de la FIACAT, y ha sido promovida por la International Service For Human Rights (ISHR). Añadimos el escrito de presentación que ha hecho el ISHR.

16 de febrero de 2023

Presentación de la carta abierta (ISHR):

Dear all,

ISHR has prepared the below letter addressed to all UN Member States at the Human Rights Council urging their support for the consensus renewal of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders. The letter is not open for edits as we have based it on the previous letter from 2020 which many of your organisations supported. The letter is open for organisations’ signatures until 23 February. ISHR will send the final letter with signatories to all UN State missions in Geneva on 27 February. We will share the final letter then with all the organisations who signed on and invite you to publish and disseminate it widely. We invite your organisations to sign on the letter (read below) using this form and disseminate it widely for sign on by CSOs.

Thank you in advance for the support,

ISHR team